Accounts Portfolios

Type Chargeoff Date # Agency Face Value # Accounts Avg Bal States Sale Price Percentage Price Status Shelf Date Date Listed/Updated Remarks
Consumer Leasing 2012-2015 2 $7,810,003.96 6767 1154.3 National $19,525.00 25 BPS% Available 04/18/21 10/01/20 WILLING TO SEGMENT $1MIL FOR $2500/2MIL FOR $4500
Consumer Leasing 2014 1 $697,461.63 510 1367.57 GA,AL,IL,ME $4,533.00 65 BPS% Available 11/16/21 07/24/20 FILE COMES WITH MEDIA
Consumer Leasing 2014 2 $750,058.09 659 1153.19 National $3,375.00 45 BPS% Available 04/18/21 07/24/20 MEDIA CAN BE ORDERED
Consumer Leasing 2005-2014 3 $250,410.68 288 872.51 National $500.00 FLAT PRICE Available 03/18/21 12/03/20
Consumer Leasing 2009 3 $665,427.60 528 1260.27 National $1,000.00 FLAT FEE Available 10/15/21
Consumer Leasing 2008 3 $1,283,605.89 804 1596.52 National $1,000.00 8.5 BPS% Available 06/16/21 07/15/19
Bail Bonds/Installment 2015-2019 0 $42,588,959.24 30166 1411.87 CA ONLY $319,417.19 75 BPS% HOLD N/A 01/07/20 MEDIA IS INCLUDED - WILLING TO SEGMENT IN TESTER FILE OF $750K THEN $1MIL CHUNKS AFTERWARD AT 1.10%